2 ixsl: Quick Reference

In this section, we'll focus on SaxonJS in the browser, e.g. talking about the HTML page. When using SaxonJS on Node.js, there is no HTML page, but instead you can supply a “master document” when invoking the transformation, which acts in a similar way.

Examples of JavaScript objects that you may want to work with:

Note that nodes in the HTML DOM can be treated as both XDM nodes, and as JavaScript objects.

2.1 Extension functions

  • Accessing important objects: ixsl:event(), ixsl:page(), ixsl:source(), ixsl:window()

  • Accessing other information: ixsl:location(), ixsl:query-params(), ixsl:style()

  • Accessing properties of JavaScript objects: ixsl:contains(), ixsl:get()

  • Calling JavaScript code: ixsl:apply(), ixsl:call(), ixsl:eval() and "js" namespace shorthand for global JS functions

2.1.1 ixsl:apply

ixsl:apply($function as item(),
           $arguments as array(*)) as item()*

Applies a JavaScript function.

$function JavaScript function object

$arguments Arguments to the function, supplied as an array

2.1.2 ixsl:call

ixsl:call($object as item(),
          $method as xs:string,
          $arguments as array(*)) as item()*

Calls a JavaScript function from a specified object.

$object JavaScript object on which the function is defined

$method Either a function name or a dot (character '.') separated list of names

$arguments Arguments to the function, supplied as an array

2.1.3 ixsl:contains

ixsl:contains($object as item(),
              $property as xs:string) as xs:boolean

Test if a property is present on a JavaScript object.

$object JavaScript object

$property Either a property name or a dot (character '.') separated list of names

2.1.4 ixsl:eval

ixsl:eval($script as xs:string) as item()*

Executes JavaScript code, supplied as a string.

$script JavaScript code

2.1.5 ixsl:event

ixsl:event() as item()?

Returns the current Event object while processing a user input event (or the empty sequenceotherwise).

2.1.6 ixsl:get

ixsl:get($object as item(),
         $property as xs:string) as item()*

Gets a property of a JavaScript object.

$object JavaScript object

$property Property name, or dot (character '.') separated list of names

2.1.7 ixsl:location

ixsl:location() as xs:string

Returns the value of the href property of the Window.location object. Used to get the current location URL as a string.

2.1.8 ixsl:page

ixsl:page() as node()

Returns the document node of the HTML DOM document (or on Node.js, the document node supplied as the master document, if any).

2.1.9 ixsl:query-params

ixsl:query-params() as map(*)

Parses the query parameters of the HTML page URI, returning the values as an XPath map.

2.1.10 ixsl:source

ixsl:source() as node()?

Returns the global context item - the document node supplied as input to the transformation using a parameter such as sourceNode, sourceLocation, or sourceText, if such a source document was supplied, or the empty sequence otherwise.

2.1.11 ixsl:style

ixsl:style($node as item()?) as map(*)

Returns an XPath map containing the style properties of an HTML element node.

$node HTML element node

2.1.12 ixsl:window

ixsl:window() as item()

Returns the Window object.

2.2 ixsl: extension instructions


“(AVT)” means the attribute is interpreted as an attribute value template, so it may contain string expressions within curly braces.

object? means the attribute is optional.

  • Setting and removing attributes on elements in the HTML page (or master document): ixsl:set-attribute, ixsl:remove-attribute

  • Setting and removing properties of JavaScript objects: ixsl:set-property, ixsl:remove-property, ixsl:set-style

  • Asynchronous processing (time delays, document fetching, HTTP client): ixsl:schedule-action

2.2.1 ixsl:remove-attribute

<ixsl:remove-attribute name="{eqname}" object?="expr"/>

Removes the attribute with a given name from the current element node, or other specified element node, in the HTML page. A typical use for this is to enable a disabled HTML element by removing the disabled attribute (setting the value has no effect).

@name The name of the attribute to be removed. (AVT)

@object? The element the attribute belongs to - when no object attribute is present, the current node is used.

2.2.2 ixsl:remove-property

<ixsl:remove-property name="{token}" object?="expr"/>

Removes a property from a JavaScript object (including DOM nodes).

@name Property name, or dot (character '.') separated list of names. (AVT)

@object? The object the property belongs to - when no object attribute is present, the Window object is used.

2.2.3 ixsl:schedule-action

<ixsl:schedule-action wait?="expr" document?="{uris}"
   <ixsl:call-template />

Makes an asynchronous call to the template named in an xsl:call-template instruction that is the only permitted body content of ixsl:schedule-action, either after waiting a specified time, or after fetching specified documents, or after getting a response from a specified HTTP request. The instruction returns an item containing any associated JavaScript XMLHttpRequest objects, or an empty sequence otherwise.

@wait? Used to specify the delay in milliseconds before the call is invoked; or when used with attributes document or http-request, specifies a timeout in milliseconds for the associated HTTP requests.

@document? Used to specify documents to be fetched before the call is invoked. A space-separated list of document URIs can be used to specify multiple files (text, JSON, and XML).

@http-request? Used to specify an HTTP request to be made before the call is invoked (with the HTTP response as the context).

2.2.4 ixsl:set-attribute

<ixsl:set-attribute name="{eqname}"

Sets an attribute with a given name and value on the current element node, or other specified element node, in the HTML page.

@name The name of the attribute to be added. (AVT)

@select The attribute value.

@object? The element the attribute should be added to - when no object attribute is present, the current node is used.

2.2.5 ixsl:set-property

<ixsl:set-property name="{token}"

Sets the value of a property for a JavaScript object (including DOM nodes). A nested property can be set using a dot-separated name.

@name Property name, or dot (character '.') separated list of names. (AVT)

@select Provides the new property value.

@object? The object the property belongs to - when no object attribute is present, the Window object is used.

2.2.6 ixsl:set-style

<ixsl:set-style name="{token}"

Sets a style property of an HTML element.

@name Style property name in camel-case. (AVT)

@select Provides the new style property value.

@object? The HTML element the style property belongs to - when no object attribute is present, the current node is used.